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It’s simply… just reach out to the point of contact listed or contact the church office at 256-851-1788 or email us at
Get Connected…Get Involved
It’s simply… just reach out to the point of contact listed or contact the church office at 256-851-1788 or email us at
Episcopal Office/Office of the Bishop: Manages all requirements & necessary processes of the ENMC Episcopal Office; expedite guests travel & contract requirements; manage Episcopal calendar, travel arrangements, schedule of activities, etc.; manage “chain down” requirements from CEFCA and Bishop Donald Hilliard (Perth Amboy); ensure compliance with Episcopal Protocols & Standards; manage requests for speaking engagements and Ministry Services of the Bishop. (Pastor Dede Booker-Lacey)
Administrative Office: Manage all requirements of ENMC Church Office. (Pastor Dede Booker-Lacey)
New Member Transition Ministry: Provides initial “partnership care” and transitional training & teaching for new members & new converts; baptism training & preparation; acclimates new members to the Ministry and Her mandate as they become accustomed to ENMC’s Ministry life.
Joshua Men’s Ministry: Empowerment ministry for men and boys of the Church, training men to forge servant-brother relationships that under-gird the Bishop; establish and define leadership roles as men of God.
Marriage Ministry: Strengthening and encouragement ministry to help build up marriage partners and therefore the unity, power & influence of Kingdom Marriages. Leadership assigned quarterly to various couples. (Brother Otis & Mother Betty Smith)
Singles Ministry: Provide means of spiritual restoration, renewal, redirection, encouragement and empowerment to our single adults. (Sister Jolanda Cotton)
Woman2Woman: Ministry of empowerment for the ENMC women of God to take on the “servant/sister” role, building spiritual relationships, under-girding the ministries of the church. (Lady Tiffany Richardson)
Covenant Care Ministry: Provides multi-layered team support for the intervention needs of the membership. (Sister Sonya Drake, Deacon-In-Training Stanley Drake)
a) Bereavement Care Ministry: Provides Transition, Visitation & Homegoing Celebration Service information for bereavement matters; requests prayer for bereaved families; obtain service and visitation arrangement information and disseminate appropriately to ENMC Leadership for Service arrangements.
b) Heart and Hands Team Ministry: Heart-N-Hands Ministries: Ministers to the needs of the homebound, sick, hospitalized, and bereaved members, and those in “sudden” challenging circumstances.
Benevolence Ministry: Assesses and determines all internal requests for crisis financial assistance and support for members in good standing. (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Church Life Ministry: Provides encouragement support to all ENMC members; maintains “hands on” delegated pastoral care for each Kingdom Member and Family; serves as liaison between Bishop and members; initiate needs assessments and make referrals for assistance. (ENMC Pastors)
Counseling Team: Provides encouragement, spiritual and personal guidance, Biblical life application and counseling as needed to all ENMC members; provide recommendations to Bishop for additional support requirements. (Pastor Dede Booker-Lacey, Pastor Jurada Fuqua)
Health & Wellness Ministry: ENMC health professionals who provide information & guidance for health and wellness for the Body of Christ. (Minister LaQuintte Ruth)
Nurturing Hearts Nursing Home Ministry: Provides visitation, encouragement and preaching ministry to undergird, support and share the love of Jesus Christ with the residents of designated nursing home facilities. (Deacon Willie Stokes)
Kitchen Team Ministry: Provides kitchen/food services for fellowships, special programs, conferences, or as needed. (Mother Betty Crutcher)
Audio Visual (A/V) & Media Marketing Ministry: Responsible for audio and video recording of all ministry times; responsible for marketing & sales of CDs & DVDs of all recorded material; sales at media table; support staff for sales of guest ministry media. (Pastor Jurada Fuqua)
Social Media Marketing: Responsible for daily maintenance of all social media campaigns, postings, daily encouragement, etc. (Sister Travesa Buford)
Graphic Design & Website Ministry: Graphic design for all aspects of flyers, banners and visual public presentations for the publicity and advertising; provides ministry information on the life and activities of the Church via weekly eblasts and populated phone APP. (Lady Tiffany Richardson, Sister Susan Eason)
Christian Education Ministry: Educational curriculum for teaching, training for all areas of the education wing of the corporate ministry. (Pastor Leroy Caudle)
a) Adult Empowerment Training: Sunday School for all ages.
b) Midday Bible Study: Bible Study session held midweek on Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon
Leviticus Ministries: Associate Ministers called to undergird the Pastor, to serve, teach, preach, & minister to the needs of the members and the community. (Pastor Dede Booker-Lacey)
a) Leviticus Ministers Development Academy (MDA) – the ministerial and leadership training arm of ENMC.
b) Adjutants and Armorbearers Team
c) Holy Orders (Ordination and Elevation); Initial Sermon Preparation
Deacons Ministry: Provide care and assistance to the corporate Body of the Church; undergird the Senior Pastor in every area of the Ministry. (Deacon Andy Leverette)
Gateway To The Nations Covenant Ministries (DJR GTTN): Bishop’s personal ministry established for Covenant Connection for Pastors and Ministries, and churches.
Mothers Ministry: Mothers appointed to nurture, guide, and provide guidance and support to the women of the Church. (Mother JoAnn Jordan)
Annual Golf Tournament & Youth Scholarship: Annual Bishop’s Golf Cup Golf Tournament — a community-wide event and major fundraiser with proceeds to benefit the ENMC Youth Scholarship. (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Evangelism Team Ministry: Outreach ministries focused on evangelism, community service and networking the Word. (ENMC Eldership)
GO Ministries (Global Outreach): A “Missions Ministry” whose goal is to Minister Christ in foreign lands; traveling overseas as a ministerial evangelism and outreach team; support foreign mission work.
Greeters Ministry: Serve as “first representatives” of the Ministry at every worship service or event & extend the “heart of God” to all. (Sister Cassandra Edwards)
Trustees Ministry: Men and women of the Church entrusted with the care, maintenance and oversight of the fiscal and physical needs of the Church. (Sister Andrea Ware)
Van Ministry: Provides transportation assistance for persons “in need” to attend various worship services (includes AAMU students, etc.). (Deacon Jeremiah Ardis)
WAIT Ministries (Ushers): “Doorkeepers” who set the tone for those entering the gates of the Church; help maintain order and assistance during services. (Mother Patricia Stokes)
Altar Workers Ministry: Special prayer ministry at the Altar; extended prayer outside the Sanctuary per Bishop Richardson. (Minister Tarita Battle)
Worship & Creative Arts Ministry: Worship through the combined liturgical arts including: Music, Dance, Drama, Mime and Spoken Word through various creative production and presentation vehicles to expand the avenues of praise and worship to expand and enhance the worship experience. (Pastor Katrina Smith)
Liturgical Dance Ministry: Praise and worship through the ministry of dance, including both adult and youth dance ministry teams. (Sister DeLonna High)
Intercessory Prayer Warriors: Prayer warriors and intercessory prayer team laboring in prayer for the entire church body, Bishop & Lady Richardson, and other individuals as requested. (Minister Renee Mason)
Music Ministry: Ministering to the people of God through music. Includes: Judah Praisers (Praise Team), Judah Worshippers (choir), and Men of Worship (male chorus). (Pastor Katrina Smith)
Nursery Ministry: Provides safe personal care for infants 0 – 23 months during various worship services. (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Kingdom Korner Children’s Church: Sunday morning ministry service that provides spiritual training for children 6—12 years of age. Prepares them for transition to regular worship services. Held during the 10 AM Worship Service (Includes age appropriate worship service elements). (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Kinder Care Class: Sunday morning ministry class for children ages 4-5 years; held during Sunday Morning Worship Service time. (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Toddler Class: Sunday morning ministry that provide spiritual training, growth and development for children 2—4 years of age. Held during the 10 AM Worship Service (Sister Luereen Phillips)
Youth & Teen Boys Ministry: Mentoring and empowerment ministry for young boys and teens, ages 5 to 17 years.
Aftershock Youth Ministry: This ministry trains our youth/young adults in “Kingdom Living;” teaches/trains 6-21 year olds to serve as youth mentors; participates with other ministries & various community activities.
Bridge Campus Ministry: Evangelize, counsel, encourage, and meet the spiritual needs of students at Alabama A&M University and other local colleges and universities. (Minister Shana Leath)
© 2016 · Eagles' Nest Ministries Church.